Service Fee Schedule for The Vegan Stay

Our Philosophy:

The Vegan Stay strives to help build a thriving global community of Vegan and Vegan-Curious Travellers and Hosts centered around supporting Animal Sanctuaries. To accomplish our mission and to offer our Guests and Hosts the most rewarding experiences, we have created a competitive Service Fee Schedule that helps us meet all our goals, including educational programs on how to become a better Vegan Host and Vegan, or Vegan-Curious traveler.

We encourage all Vegan Hosts and travelers to understand how The Service Fee Schedule works so that they can optimize the way they benefit from the services offered by The Vegan Stay; maximize their contributions to the Sanctuaries; and, in the case of Vegan Hosts, set their fees in a manner that best fits their listings.

Fee Schedule:

For Vegan Hosts:

To encourage more Vegan Hosts to join our global community of compassionate travelers, The Vegan Stay does NOT impose any fees on Hosts. We want to encourage as many Vegan Hosts as possible to turn their rentals into mediums for Passive Activism on behalf of animals and those who care for them.

For Travelers:

When booking an accommodation, a traveler pays a Total Service Fee that includes the following components:

  1. The Rental Price
  2.  A cleaning Fee
  3.  Additional Fees, if any
  4.  The Vegan Stay Service Fee
  5. Taxes (and VAT, when applicable).

The Vegan Stay operates on an Income Sharing Schedule with its Partner Sanctuaries according to the scheme described below. The Service Fee for travellers is about 10% of the total booking amount (this includes the cost of the accommodation per night, in addition to the Vegan Host Cleaning Fee and any Additional Vegan Host Fees, if any). The Booking Subtotal does not include the Tax (and VAT, when applicable).

Service Fee Sharing Schedule:

As indicated above, The Vegan Stay strives to provide eligible sanctuaries with the maximal amount of financial support it can. The work sanctuaries do on a daily basis is very critical to the creation of a more just world. The Vegan Stay was created in the response to the desire to free sanctuaries, at least partially, from the burden of having to secure funds while working on rescuing animals, caring for animals, and educating the public about their plight. The schedule described below reflects this outlook.

The Vegan Stay is Operated by the Sanctuary:

Sanctuary receives up to 50% of the Rental Price; the Cleaning Fee and any Additional Fees, if applicable; AND up to 50% of the Service Fee.

The Vegan Stay keeps only the Tax (and VAT, when applicable) when applicable.

The Vegan Stay is Not Operated By a Sanctuary:

There are generally two cases that fall under this category.

  1. The Vegan Host is Affiliated With a Sanctuary: When the Vegan Host creates their account, they have the option to indicate that a particular sanctuary is their Sanctuary of choice. In this case, The Vegan Host receives 100% of their Rental Fee. The sanctuary of their choice receives up to 50% of the Service Fee, and the Vegan Stay receives 50% of the Service Fee, in addition to the Tax ( and VAT, when applicable) when applicable. Sanctuaries that satisfy the Criteria for Membership are always welcome to apply to become Partners for The Vegan Stay.
  2. The Vegan Host is Not Affiliated With a Sanctuary: If the Vegan Host does not choose a sanctuary at the time they register, The Vegan Stay will donate 50% of the Service Fee to one of the sanctuaries affiliated with it, based on need.



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